Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda


Make an #Unturkey for Thanksgiving!

Step one: make an outline of your hand. Step two: Turn it into ANYTHING other than a turkey. As seen in Art2D2’s Guide to Folding and Doodling and Unturkeys…

Pickletine Acknowledgements

Dear SFs… I both love and hate the acknowledgements. I love getting a chance to thank so many of you in print, but I know that there are going to be some SFs who didn’t make it and will be upset. That’s the part I hate. So… rather than have […]

Star Wars Origami with the NW base…

[youtube http://youtube.com/w/?v=yo-_ZlhiLx4] At long last, a video to explain the NathanielW base, which NathanielW used for Yoda and I used for Princess Lablemaker. You can also use it for Darth Maul, Ewok, JarJar, lots of stuff!

TalkZone is back! Tonight Only!

Okay…. Sam’s ready. I’m ready. Are YOU ready? Then let’s fire up the TalkZone! Let the love flow and the hate wait! Keep it stooky and beware the dark side and all that. And don’t forget there’s a ton of SupeferFolder Stookiness waiting for comments, too!!! Ready set go!

Princess Labelmaker discussion page (SPOILER ALERT!!!!)

DO NOT READ THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU’VE READ THE BOOK! SPOILER ALERT!!!! Okay… if you’ve read the book this is the place to talk about it. What parts you liked, didn’t like, etc… I’d love to know which chapter was your favorite and which drawing you liked. And you can […]