Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Maul’s March Madness 2025: Let the Madness Begin!

SFs!!! It’s time! Since we are doing Maul’s March Madness a little EARLY this year, I need to get you all folding now! Best of all, the more you fold, the more money we raise for WORLD CENTRAL KITCHEN — an incredible organization that helps people all over the world! […]

Beware: Maul Awakes!!!

Details coming soon for Maul’s March Madness 2025!! Start thinking about what your two submiissions are going to be. Think BIG! Thanks to SFGrey for the Stooky Maul up top! Also a good example of taking a nice clear photo with a solid color background!

WB Sam says: Be careful

A SF was just suspended for submitting someone else’s origami as their own. Do not do that. And do not post anything else that may get you blocked as a possible troll.


SuperFolder JediFolderYoda67 Tom, what can you tell us about this I found on Amazon? You have a new Two-Headed Chicken book coming out this year and you didn’t tell us? Anyway, I’m excited for the new book! TOM SAYS: Hey! Yes, the FINAL Two-Headed Chicken book comes out this fall! […]

Dino Poet in Publishers Weekly!

We’re less than 2 months away from Dino Poet hitting the shelves… on March 25! You might notice that it says “for the littles,” but Dino Poet is for EVERYONE!    

Important message from Webmaster Sam

It has been a long time since we’ve had problems with trolls on this site, but it has happened and it was no fun. Recently, there have been some strange posts. Not quite trolls, but also not proper SF posts. I have deleted them and have permanently blocked an account. […]

More tour!

I’m headed to Boston! (Area) Details to come, but I will also be in: SEATTLE Tucson

BREAKING NEWS: Book Tour and MMM announcement!

SFs!!!! Plans are being made for the DINO POET booktour in late March. Details will come later, but for now I can tell you I’ll definitely be visiting Washington DC! Since I’ll be traveling in late March, MAUL’S MARCH MADNESS will be held in EARLY March! So February is going […]

First TALK TO TOM of 2025!

SFs!!! The big problem with TTT is that a lot of the questions come in right after I post a TTT. Then they sit there for a long time and by the time I answer them the SF may have grown up and forgotten not only the question but also […]

See More Stookiness! More "Talk to Tom" Read More News