Dear SFs…
I both love and hate the acknowledgements. I love getting a chance to thank so many of you in print, but I know that there are going to be some SFs who didn’t make it and will be upset. That’s the part I hate.
So… rather than have you all skip to the end when you get the book — which you shouldn’t because: spoilers — I am going to post the acknowledgements now so you can have a look.
Many of the names came from the Star Wars Snacks contest we had. If you submitted an idea, your name should be here, whther your idea actually made it into the book or not. (Remember, there were lots of reasons why some ideas didn’t work, such as brand names.)
A few other names were added from here and there and I came up with this list. It is a long list and it took some trouble to get it all in there! But here it is:
The SuperFolders….
Ackbar, AgentYoda, Ahsoka, AhsokaTano, Aiden,AJMCCraft, Alatariel, AlekzAndEr, Alex, AlexanderTheGreat, AlexDarth99, AmazingYoda, AnakinLuke, AnakinSkypaper, ARCFives, Ar2D2, Art2D2, Art2D2Artist, Art2MinecraftMan, AustinM, AwesomeEwok, AwesomeGuy0, Awesome11223344, AwesomeJawa
BaconFolder, Ben, BobaFold, BobDiggidy, Bolt, Bruno
C3P01, CPHP, CadFold, Cammy, CaptainAwesome, CathleenK, CaveSpider10, CB, CJ, Chewie101, Chewy14, Chewy17, ChiefEwokLabelMaker, Chikinnn, ChippySlusher, Clawgami56, Clone, CocoaBean, Collecter, CoolDude167, CommanderCody107, CommanderDiamonds225, ConnorR, Copyright66, Crazo20000, Crisredhat
Dan, DarkinVader, DarkPalkia, DarthCal, DarthCaleb13, DarthFoldius, DarthJasm, DarthJawa, DarthMaul89, DarthNoah, DarthOrigami, DarthP, DarthScissorus, DarthShredder, DarthYoda1717, DarthVaper, DavidTheJedi, Deadpool2325, DeathStar100, Delta4ce, DiegoChina, DJTheDog, Dman, DroidStarFighter, DuncanSkyFolder, Dwight
E210, Echo, EdTheBrit, Edwin, Eli2, Elliota380, Embo, EmperorGonkDroid, EpicBoy, EpicOrigamiMan, EthanDear, EvangamiYodana, EvanR, EvilFoldyWan, EvilJawa, EwoksAreAwesome, EwoksAreEpic, Ewok, Ewok03, EwokFolder531
Felix, FerociousApplesauce, FoldedShinobi, FolderDude27, Foldawan, FoldoFett, FoldingTrooper, FoldOrigamiAlliance, FoldyWan, FoolOfATook, FrancisYodaGuy
Gaines, Galem88, Gandalf, Gavin, GeneralGrievous, Ghostbuster, Gial, Gid, Grant, GravityDefyer, Grievous, Griffenhammer, Griffolder, GusGrissom
Han, Hansel, Harald, Hayden, HaydenSkywalker, Hexagon, HG, Hulk, HyperSpaceChewy
IfoldStuff, IloveStarWars, IluvOrigamiYoda, ImperialGuard, Isabella,
JabbaTheFett, JabbaThePuppett, JabbazPuppet, Jack, JackGolden, Jackowan, JackT, JacobFoldwalker, JangoFett, JangoFett37, JangoFolder5, JarJar99, JarJarDude, JasonXWing, Jawa345, JC, JediCouncilMember, JediDoodler,JediJoey, JediJutus, JediKnight1234, JediMaster1, JediMattKenobi, JediTrevor, JediWiseSebby, Jeff, Jeongr1, JellyBelly0414, Jeongr1, Jessenia, JC, JG, Jgolumbia, JLSuperFolder, JFO712, JKOrigami, Joshua, JuanA, Judoippon, JuliaCole, JumpingCactus
KingJedi, KingJoel, KirigamiGirl
LandoCalrissian96, LauraH, LegoCody, LegoGabe, LegoJabba4, Leopard207, LexiStarWars, Liam, Light&Dark, Lizzy266, LoganB, Lou, Lucawampa, Luke, LukeSkyfolder18, LukeSkyfolder221, LukeVader, LuluTheJedi
MaceWindu111116, MaceWindu17, MagicMan, Malak, Mandomaker, Mario4Fan, MassivelyMace, Master, MasterFolder, MasterMax, MasterOfTheCrease, MATH, MattSwuared87, MattWeb2000, Matthewb, MayTheFoldBeWithYu27, Maximus, MaxReboKeys, Mega3, Megabuster, MeganPhred, Michael, MichaelGorFoldo, Minecraft, Moochman, MrGreenWookiee, MrWookieeA299, MudFlapper, MyrMyr, Mystery
Nathanation, Neb, Nick05, Nick2627, Nick555533, NickTheNotSoGreat, NinJedi, NoahV
O_Yoda, ObiJohnKenobi, ObiKalebKenobi, ObiWanKfoldy, OdeYoda, OKOrigami, OrigamiBulbasaur, OrigamiCaptainRex, OrigamiCdHelps, OrigamiJawa, OrigamiJedi, OrigamiJediMaster, OrigamiMan1234, OrigamiMatthew, OrigamiMe, OrigamiPadawan, OrigamiSeb, OrigamiWarrior87, OrigamiYoda10, OY217, Ozigami
PacBat, PaperDragon, PaperLuigi, Patten117, PauseenP, PercyJackson, Pi, PloKoon23, PloKoon101, PokeFolder2003, Posiedon, Princess, PrincessElla, Proromayev, PurseGirl
QuiFoldCrease, QuiGonJack, QuiGonJoe
RadicalTrack97, Rancorman, RainbowLightsaber, Ramazama2, RealRedFrostSpike, Reproman, RexTheGreat, RexMaximus, R2D2C3P0, R2DMo, RibBQ, RobbieK, Robby, RockHopper, RyanR
SalaciousCrumb, Salon9, Samy, SaraLoves2Read, SeanSolo&Carson, SebasTheFolder910, SEEDFolder, SFMGS01, SFOmer, ShaakTi77, SithCollin, Sherlock, SkyVader10, Slappy, SlickSkillet, SnoopyGirl11, SnowAngel, Sonic12012, Sonigami, Spence, SpiderMan777, Spike 1214, Spyrise, SpyTrooper101, StarWars101, StarWarsYoda, StickFigureStudios, Sting251, StookyJediYoda, StookyLukey, StookyMan100, StookyMaster, StookyNate95, StookyYoda787, StormTrooper
Superfolderethfan, SuperMan, SuperStookynessMan, SuperYodaMan, SWF12
Tanner, TaunTaun, TedComic, TheFoldIsWithYou, TheChosen1, TheYoda, ThunderKicker, Tonigami, TMac13, Tyler, TynamonZ
Ultimate, UltraMaul, Unicorn, Vader, VanJahnke
Wiztron, WookieeFan, WookieeWolf, Wooktent,
Xcalibur, XYZ,
Yoda565, Yoda8, Yodabird,YodaFett, YodaForce, Yodamaster, YodaMaster223,YodaSF, YodaTheGreat, YodarGreg
Zack, Zod
I especially want to thank all the SuperFolders on the Jedi Council and all the Sfs who’ve been listed in previous books. And any that I’ve missed. And all those who WILL become Sfs soon!
If your name is not on the list, I’m very sorry but it is way too late now. It doesn’t mean that I don’t think you’re awesome, it just means that this time around I missed you. Maybe next time!