Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Author Archive

FOURTH Badge Added: 2024 OY BADGES! Five things to make your summer Stookier!

SFs! Thanks for voting YES to badges this summer! I was going to skip them because of the Pokedex, but the Pokedex is almost done already! So …  LET’S GO!!!! Let’s do something because it’s the: SUMMER OF SOMETHING 2024 Edition!!!!! Don’t do nothing, do something! BADGES CAN BE COMPLETED […]

How to get a SIGNED book!

SFs!!! Yes, you can get a signed book! And it’ll have a drawing in it, too! The wonderful folks at Imaginations Toystore make it easy! The store has a whole bunch of signed (and doodled in) books by me and Cece… and they will send them to you via Maillenium […]


Ready to be a hero? Someone who folds one of these six Pokemon will be the one who COMPLETES the Pokedex! Seel,  Drowzee,  Kingler, Horsea, Seadra, Goldeen And actually, EVERYBODY who folds one of these or has folded one already is a hero! This is the biggest thing we’ve ever […]

POKEDEX update: almost there!

Just got Starmie from RobbieK! Nice work, RK!!!! That means we only need:   Seel,  Drowzee, Krabby, Kingler, Hitmonlee, Horsea, Seadra, Goldeen, Staryu Let’s go!

Four more Pokemon folded!

We’re getting closer! Now we just need: Seel,  Cloyster, Drowzee, Krabby, Kingler, Hitmonlee, Horsea, Seadra, Goldeen, Staryu, and Starmie. Thanks to SF TJ who just sent in Magmar up top!   And here’s RyHorn from SF SeanG! And Hitmonchan by SuperFolder General_Kirivous And a DOUBLE Rapidash DUOfrom SF Jakenstein and […]

UPDATE: The First THREE Badges of 2024!

The first person to earn a 2024 badge is Darth ZackB! DZB is always up for every challenge! That’s why he’s a superstar! SuperFolder DarthZackB And now we’ve got more! SuperFolder Yodaboy4321 horn ok please!   SuperFolder EeveeAndYoda  

My last Pokemon for the Pokedex….

If all the main folders behind the Pokedex fold one last Pokemon, I think we’ll be done. Here’s mine…. Hypno is a really dull looking Pokemon other than his big nose. Pretty sure this is the same way I folded Max Rebo awhile back. Good for Nosey* characters. The Pokemon […]

Pokemon we still need to catch!

New Pokemon added to the site, including this FUNKY Tauros by EwokTribe! Oh yeah! He’s so funky he’s playing the piano! That means all that’s left are: Rapidash, Seel, Dewgong, Cloyster, Drowzee, Hypno, Krabby, Kingler, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Rhyhorn, Horsea, Seadra, Goldeen, Staryu, Starmie, Magmar Also we got our THIRD Diglett!  […]


Hey SFs!!! Time for me to answer some questions from you SFs! Any time you’ve got a question, just to submit it with “TALK TO TOM” in the title. First though, let me tell you about the POKEDEX. We are SO CLOSE!!! Even if you’ve already folded a bunch, take […]