Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda


SuperFolder MikeSkyfolder123 Here is journal #3! Now my Dipper Pines can get his information from there, Also, the 2nd pic is the inside of it.


SuperFolder MaraOmega Gravity falls is one of my all time favourite shows, so here are Mabel Pines and Pacifica Northwest!

clown troopers

SuperFolder FoldaFett123 don’t ask me how to fold it get art2-d2’s guide to folding and doodling.

Chaos Emerald

SuperFolder FoldaFett123 This fold is pretty easy, I think you will know how to fold this.

Origami kartana

SuperFolder jarjarinks123 The Time is now! @$%#* only having this little amount of origami Pokemon! Take action and make all the the ultra beasts legendary Pokémon and everything else that is not in the pokegami Pokédex! This is your chance at greatness

Pokdex 120 staryu

SuperFolder General_Kirivous Not my best work of art but A FOLDYMON NONE THE LESS

The real Salacious B Crumpled and Elmo instructions

SuperFolder REXTHEREBEL Salacious B. Crumpled was my original design but I had miss placed it 😕 But good news I found it! I also forgot how to fold it! Now for camp Jar Jar news!!! I am sure you all know that Darth Jar Jar appears in the new Lego […]