Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Updates again

SuperFolder Fortunewookie2255

Heyo superfolders! I know, I know, I haven’t been as active as I used to be, but I’ve got other things I’m preparing for. Anyway, just some updates of life right now.
I’ve been getting SUPER into LEGO bricks right now, with all of the new Lego Super Mario and Marvel that’s been coming out recently. I bought 3 Lego Marvel minifigure “blind-bags” and got What If? zombie hunter Spider-man, and both Monica and Wanda from WandaVision. Doctor Strange is a 3rd party seller, but he just looked so cool that I got him to.
If you guys have looked at some of my older posts of this year, I’ve said maybe a couple of times that my family moved to Missouri. Welp, the house we landed in just didn’t suit our needs very well, so we’ve been trying to sell it and find a new one. Thankful, after about a month and a half of showings and the sort, we finally got a offer last week! And if everything goes the way it should, we should be in a new house by Christmas!!! 😁😁
I also decided to share a painting I made a couple of years ago. It’s New York, but I personalized it a little bit.
I’m also trying to make more Minecraft videos, but my computer sucks and it’s a slow process πŸ˜….
Anyway, Subscribe to my YouTube channels BedrockBen101 and OrigamiFolder 25, follow me on Twitter @bedrockben, and join my discord! (Last I checked, the link in one of my later posts still worked.)
Thank you guys for your support and ideas, and I’ll see you later!