SuperFolder R3DO
Hello and welcome to another top tips with TomSka! Just kidding! Plus, my name’s not Tom. But, the picture under this IS the awesome YouTuber Thomas (TomSka) Ridgewell. His main channel is TomSka because his name is Tom and he likes Ska music. His other channel (mostly with vlogs) is DarkSquidge. Oh, also, HE MADE A FREAKING VIDEOGAME. It’s called KatataK. It’s really fun, and there are awesome allies and guns. Plus, if you’re wondering, I got the image for this from his video called: STABBED. Holy mother of butts it’s awesome! Please watch his videos. He made a series called asdfmovie. He also has one more channel, called EddsWorld. IT. IS. EPIC. Check out any of his YouTube channels, or, all three if you want. See you next time!