Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

The Series Petition

SuperFolder ArtsyActor

Hey, SF’s! A few months ago, I started a petition to bring back SF JC’s ORIGAMI YODA: THE SERIES. Episode 7 was released in June, and a trailer for the finale was released. JC, I know you have school, as we all do…. But these sf’s, with many others, I am sure, want the series back:

Shadow101 says Waffle-tastic!
DarthRevan2005 says Waffle-tastic!
guillermo says Waffle-tastic!
1DarthFan says Waffle-tastic!
Stooky_Chewie_GJ says Waffle-tastic!
Origami_SharkL0rd says Waffle-tastic!
sum101 says EPIC!
apallo98 says Waffle-tastic!
SuperR2 says Waffle-tastic!
Condude4545 says Waffle-tastic!
SF_CJ says Waffle-tastic!
waffleblaster90 says Waffle-tastic!
tendaubendon3 says Waffle-tastic!
Rey21 says Waffle-tastic!
IronAlien814 says Waffle-tastic!

Each “Waffle-Tastic” was 1 vote for the return. The videos were AMAZING! Please release the promised finale! There is already a trailer, and JC, I dont mean to sound rude or nostrul, but please, if the Lord wills, finish the show! You are a STOOKY SF. Maybe the Stookiest next to Tom. We, the Super Folders, love you and your work!
The petition will go on, and if you want the series back, say WaffleTastic! God bless you all!