Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

The Revival of SFs Unite

SuperFolder ArtsyActor

Hi, All!

I’m back, with renewed vigor and purpose, to write, “SF’s Unite!!!”

I have 3 entries from SuperFolder Stooky_Chewie_GJ, and am pleased to announce that we are back in business!!!

However, I need your help, SF’s!!!!

If you would like to put an idea, story, game, or activity, or origami instructions into the book, please follow these instructions!!!:


1. Come up with an idea!!! It can be instructions for a cool origami character, or a game, such as Pencil Wars, or an activity, or a story, such as an OY fanfic, or make up your own! [KEEP IT PG!]
2. DO THE ACTIVITY! Type up instructions, don’t write them, please, and take a few pictures for guidance. DO NOT pull something off the internet for your picture. Please take the picture yourself.
3. Post it on Origami Yoda .Com. Give it a creative title, and write it as if you are writing a chapter in the Art2 D2 activity book.

4. After writing your title, put in parenthesees the title, “SF’s UNITE!!!”.

Okay, SF’s get going! The book won’t write itself!

SF’s UNITE!!!!