SuperFolder Kokerz111
My Origami Spock is back from the dead, as am I! I created a new account for this AWESOME new website to enable me to put more st00kiness on here! I didn’t do much on the old site, but my best work was Origami Spock, which Tom said he’d been waiting for and, as I said, is now back from the dead! I don’t see the point of including instrux for this, as this is just a modified universal puppet and anyone who’s read the book about Art2-D2 could easily figure out how to make it. Anyway, I hope that
1. I can find time to submit more stuff and that
2. you enjoy my stuff!
-Kokerz111 out!
(P.S. Sorry the pic has poor quality.)
(P.P.S. Could someone explain the team thing to me? I joined Team Yoda…)