Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

The Finale of origami POTC is here

SuperFolder purpleyoda

Pleats Of The Caribbean:
3 At Davy Fold´s End

By Luke and Arnold
Luke: A day after the huge battle with my worst enemy John Shake, I was eating lunch with my crew. Then, the loudspeaker called me to the Student Council room. I walked down the hall, and into the room.
I was sitting at the chair closest to President Henry Artemis, when Luke walked in as planned. Luke dripped water all over the floor, and took the soaking blue towel he always wore, onto a chair and sat on it.
¨Why am I here?¨ Luke asked.
¨You are here, to make an alliance with us, so we can crush our enemies.¨ Henry spoke.
Luke raised a wet eyebrow.
¨What use do I have to join with you scum? I already have all I need. Why should I join you?¨ Luke inquired.
¨Because we have this.¨ Henry replied and pulled out the Chest and put it on the table and pulled out the Heart of Davy Fold´s.
¨How did you get that?¨ Luke asked, clearly alarmed.
¨I found it on the beach.¨ I added.
¨If you promise to serve us, we will give you this,¨ Henry told Luke ¨Congratulations, Vice President.¨
¨You will regret this.¨ Luke muttered as he picked up his towel and wrapped it around himself like a cape.

A New Danger
By John Shake
I was in a large weird locker (well, it was more of a room), it was too dark to see. I had been stuck in here since when I came to school. However, I don’t blame Luke. it was Arnold who shoved me in here. When a dark dripping shadow blocked my path: Luke. Luke brought out a new Davy Folds to replace the one he lost at the battle yesterday.
¨What are you doing here Luke? Your class is that way.¨ I pointed.
¨I have come to warn you, to intimidate you.¨ Luke spoke.
It´s ridiculous that whenever someone tells you that you are intimidated, you become weirded out.
¨About what?¨ I spoke.
¨The Student Body Government has the Chest,¨ Luke then pushes me into the wall ¨You know what is going to happen now right?¨
¨What, that you decided to get dry for once?¨ I taunted.
Luke then used a soaking wet hand to shove me into the wall of the Locker again.
¨No! The Student Body Government will start by destroying all Origami. I will be their executioner. I have no choice. It pains me to say this, because, well, I don’t like you. However I wouldn’t end origami. I just came to warn you.¨

By Wyatt
Wyatt: After yesterday, John has been missing. I mean, I saw him after, but I haven´t seen him today. After Luke told us about the Student Council´s threat, we had no choice but to go to war. I emailed the Origami Brethren Court about it, and they agreed to help us in our struggle. The Origami Brethren Court was formed by John himself, for all those who like Pirates of The Caribbean and Origami. If anyone would know, they would! So I told Anna about it, and she decided to join, but just to find John. I then decided to record our meeting with this recorder thingy that looks like a Key Chain!
Wyatt/ Foldossa: We are now here to discuss the threat of the Student Body Government and the disappearance of John Shake.
Sara/ Elizefold: What about Davy Folds? What about the Chest?
Anna: The Student Body Government have the Chest. Luke has no choice but to follow their orders.
Sarah/Pirate Lord: What´s in this chest anyway?
Fank/Pirate Lord: Yah, why is it so important?
Wyatt: Elly, can you please explain?
Elly (The Witness): Inside the chest is some other stuff, and the Heart of Davy Folds. Inside it is a note that I wrote to him saying that I figured out John spent his money, and everything. Basically a ¨I´m sorry¨ note.
Anna: Does Luke know?
Elly: He only knows it´s important.
Wyatt: Now we know how the Student Council controls him.
Frank: Now, how do we know where we can find John?
Elly: He is most likely in the Locker.
Anna: What?
Wyatt: It´s a school myth. It´s not going there that´s the problem, it´s getting back.
Anna: Okaaay….
Wyatt: It´s a giant Locker.
Anna: Okay.
Sarah: How do we find it?
Frank: The Teacher´s lounge.
Anna: (Voice of Authority): Anna! What are you doing on your computer!
Frank: Okay, the parents are here, meeting adjourned!
The Armada
(As dictated to John during imprisonment.)
By Luke/Davy Folds
A day after, I was called to the pool area, when it wasn’t even recess. However, my homeroom teacher said I could go anyway? Weird. I and my crew then walked to the pool area, and in it was giant floaties built from floaties! It was glorious. Other than it wasn’t mine. I easily spotted that Dutchman among the boats. However, a new addition on the boats were attached water guns and confetti guns! Then, President Henry and Arnold walked out of the corner, and Student Council members boarded the boats, as well as those they knew.
¨What is this?¨ I asked.
¨It is our armada. We attack the OrigaBrethren Court soon. We will soon send this armada out to sea.¨ Henry replied, and pulled out a Origami Colonel Beckett.
¨I thought you wanted to get rid of origami?¨ I questioned in response.
¨Student Council privileges.¨ Arnold scolded.
¨Now, I also want Luke to write his final warning note to John. Okay armada, let´s move out!¨ Henry ordered as Student Council started pulling the boats out one by one and moving them out towards the beach.
What have I done? All this for a Chest? No! This isn’t about that. This is about finally getting revenge on John for what he did to me! I will stand by Henry and Arnold even if it means getting rid of any other origami. I want revenge, and I will get it.

The Rescue
By Tony
As much as I know this chapter is named after a episode of the Mandolorian, it is for a good reason! Luke told me the location of the Locker, but why? Is it a trap? Well, I don´t care. It´s time to rescue John from Davy Folds´ Locker. While our Brethren Court prepared for the final showdown with the Student Body Government Armada, I, Anna, Wyatt and Sarah went to go rescue John. While we snuck into the teachers lounge, (we even got the code to unlock it!) we found the locker. It looked old, like knowone had been in there for years.
¨John! Can you here me?¨ I asked.
¨It´s a trap!¨ John yelled in an impression of Admiral Ackbar from Star Wars.
Suddenly, without warning, Davy Folds´ crew attacked us from out of nowhere! You might be wondering why the teachers don’t see anything. They are all at the pool area with the other kids! Anyways, back to the story. I opened the locker, while Wyatt, Anna and Sarah fought off the CREF bullies, John crawled out of the Locker! Wait, did he still have that jar of dirt? Yep, of course he did. John then pegged the jar at the bullies and they ran off, leaving a note.
John Shake,
The battle begins tomorrow, at your house. The Student Council plans to take away all origami. It starts as 3:00. Don´t be late!
Davy Folds
¨He still wants to get me back dosn´t he.¨ John inquired.
¨Pretty much¨ Wyatt replied.
Well, we have John back. Know we just need to get him back to his house, where the Brethren Court was setting up our makeshift base.

Calm Before Storm
By Wyatt
After riding back to John’s house (and his share of beach) we saw barracks being built out of cardboard boxes along the shoreline. I set up a squadron of kids with water guns along the shoreline, and ran along shouting orders. After we were done, we had a nice fortress type of thing going. However, suspicions were rising. People were asking questions like: Why are we doing this? All of this for Origami? What’s so important about origami and so on. After all of this, origami might seem dum. It might even seem idiotic that we are folding paper to make them look like pirates. It might even look stupid that we are getting into a fight about it. However, it is different for us. For us, origami is special. It was with us when we came to Waveton High, it was with us all the way. Origami is not just folding paper. It is a state of mind. Great things have happened because of origami, it brings kids together. I´ve seen people created amazing and artistic things. I don’t blame Luke for what he is doing. He´s been bullied and tormented by others for so many years for his origami, it was painful for him. Finally, it melded him into the hard cold jock-crusher he is now. I know that not all good things last, but some things are worth fighting for. I know this is hard coming from the bad guy from the first book, but take it from me: the Origami Brethren Court will not die today!
Suddenly, my eyes widened at the approaching armada of floaties. Student Council members and CREF bullies holding NERF guns. I recognized Luke´s now blonde hair, and Arnold´s glasses in the crowd. They all booed and shouted insults at each other as the first wave of water balloons hit the beach.

No Time To Die (yes I know I took it from James Bond)
By John Shake
I watched from the beach as the armada came to shore, and the fighting gleam in their eyes. I raised my newly purchased Potc sword. This could totally break pool noodles. Wyatt turned and nodded at me. We charged at the enemy with other anonymous people. Sara and Tony started fighting as well. I also heard they took fencing lessons together. Huh.
All of the Student Council members docked there boats on the shore, except Luke and Arnold. They were waiting for the main event. I smacked Pres. Henry in the face, and threw him into another bloke. I saw Wyatt and Tony easily handling some fat dude. Suddenly, I saw the biggest water ballon in the world fly over my head and into the barracks. Some guy flew backwards and I heard a bone break. I ran to check who it was and-. No. It was Tony. I ran over screaming for help as he lied flat in the sand.
¨Tony, can you hear me? Are you okay?¨ I shouted.
¨I´m fine. Do you still have the jar of dirt?¨ He asked.
I laughed, he was going to be just fine. After a hospital trip of course. I then turned my turned by gaze away from Tony to Arnold. I ran toward the ocean, knocking over many Jocks and CREF kids in the process. Arnold saw me and started paddling away as another giant water ballon was unleashed. I sliced right through the sucker. I finally boarded a SC raft and paddled towards Arnold, and gleam in my eyes. I lifted the jar of dirt high and grabbed the edge of his boat and climbed aboard. Arnold tried to jump overboard, but I threw the jar of dirt at him. Causing him to do a girly scream and fly into the water mid-air.
¨This will be the day, you remember as the day you almost caught Captain Jack SparrowFold!¨ I cried in triumph.
I turned, and Luke was right behind me. His eyes full of fury, Davy Folds in his palm.
¨ I can set you free mate.¨
¨My freedom was bartered long ago. Aaargh!¨
Luke launched himself at me, crying angry tears. He threw punch after punch, giving no mercy or relent. I tried to bloke with my sword, but that too was thrown overboard. Luke was quickly gaining the upper hand, and I was pushed to the floor. Luke pulled out Davy Folds. The paper gleamed with the spirit of the sea. I had never gotten a good look at Luke´s puppet, but it was made of pure craftsmanship. However, the eyes freaked me out a bit.
¨Tell me, Jack Sparrow. Do you fear death?¨ Luke/Davy Folds asked while pointing a plastic Potc sword at me.
¨Do you?¨ a voice behind both of us said softly.
I was supposed to say that. I turned around, it was Elly! She was holding what looked like an origami Calypso. Luke scowl turned into shock.
¨I´m really sorry, I-¨ Luke started.
¨I forgive you.¨ Elly replied, and punched Luke off the boat.
The Davy Folds puppet sunk beneath the waves. I quickly got up, obviously surprised.
¨Don´t think your off the hook either John Shake.¨ Elly reprimanded turning to me.

I Throw A Chair
By Tony
Back on the shore, kids were running around with Potc swords and Nerf guns. It was hard to tell who the enemy was. I was on the ground, and I struggled to get up. Wyatt saw me and ran over and helped me up.
¨Are your alright?¨ Wyatt asked worriedly.
¨I´m fine. Just, please get something for me to stand on.¨ I replied.
When Wyatt returned through all the fighting kids, he found a folded up beach chair, which I used as crutch. I needed to get out of here, with a broken arm if I stayed, something worse could happen. I reached the end of the beach, and was prepared to leave when-. Oh. You have got to be kidding me. Arnold and his buddies were playing a Poker game right there. However, when they saw me, they got up immediately.
¨It´s just business.¨ Arnold replied innocently.
It´s hard to be innocent when your holding a Col. Beckett puppet. I hated that guy. I lifted my chair and whacked him in the face. Ha! I looked around at the beach battlefield, it looked like it had just ended. Henry Artemis was tied to a tree. John, Luke and Elly returned from the ocean. It was over.

At World´s End
By John Shake
So, there you have it. The Student Council was disbanded and all members fired. Henry and Arnold are now being homeschooled for what they did. Luke and Ella are back together, however Luke had to go to a Juvenile Detention Center for a month first. Tony´s arm has also healed nicely. As for me, I owed Luke and Ella a movie ticket.

By Luke
I sat in my room, quietly reading the Rise of Skywalker novelization. The widows were open so I could smell the sea. My mom was bring warm blue chocolate chip cookies ( Percy Jackson style!). She set them on the floor and told me something.
¨Your cousin is here¨
Those words sprung alarm into me, I hadn’t seen him in years! Suddenly, the door opened and a golden brown haired kid walked into the room. Origami Yoda in his hand. It was Dwight Tharp, my cousin. My last name was never Coleman, it was Luke Tharp. I just used Coleman as a disguise. I smiled as I turned to face Dwight, who returned the deed. We both stared into the sunset like we did before, like Luke Skywalker. I was hom