Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

The Declaration of Origami

SuperFolder jedijoey

Note: Comment to sign. Do not sign if you already have. If you did sign and do not see your name sign again. WE THE SUPERFOLDERS of origamiyoda.com declare our freedom from trolls and Harveys as we are strong in the Light Side of the Force. We shall resist the Dark Side and fold our best. We will not insult others, we will compliment them. All evil in the Origami Yoda galaxy will be defeated, because we have the power to defeat it. Signed, jedijoey SF_MEGA3 Super folder Unicorn Darthvaper ROP 0_Yoda XYZ Wool tent SF_Hansel Donigami SFJon PeaceKeeper2 PauseenP SFJoshua Diamond_Yoda stookyyoda5 origamimaster217 Jessenia Origami Me TheEnderDragon lizardo CHIPPY_SLUSHER Tom Angleberger Mandomaker SuperFolder_john PierceNewport24