Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

soory for not posting and woody and folds and comunisum and snezing i know

SuperFolder 9966origamiyoda

ok so basicly i have gone into online school and i have had litruly no time to post and it stinks but hear is a update i had a good cristmass i am doing ok at online school and i am dong online school becuse i have bean snezing for about a month and yea its rediclus i get prity worn out but the mri sead i do not have cancer so thats good and i still of coures fold star wars origmi and i have finished the god father and would recomend it too enny one and a other one is v for vendeta i realy like that book too but hear is some origmi and also tom wich do you belive in capitulisum or comunisum just cuorius so stooky for capitulisum and fizzpop for comunisum but hear is a few new folds and my fist woody doll ever!!!!!!!I hope i will post agen soon.