Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda


SuperFolder Sfbatfold

So it’s Donatello (that’s my name if sfc) and I’m making a ready player one story over there! And since ready player one has lots of pop culture I have a idea.

You (if you want) can fold ANY origami person and I will (try) to use it in my story and if you want a certain character to be named after you or someone like let’s say I wanted Chester the Cheeto to be named after me I would send a picture and say what you wanted his name to be I will try to include all submissions. And please no ready player one charcters but you can do any pop culture character just not ready player one charcters since I already have them planned.
Happy folding! And to kick this off let’s include parzevil the main characters avatar in ready player one!