SuperFolder Crimson_Corsair
These are some of the cool new rogue one troopers. On the right, I have a deathtrooper using Han Foldo instrux, but with the skinny part on the side, and on the left, I have a shoretrooper, or scarif trooper, or whatever you want to call it. I did that one by folding like the deathtrooper, but tweaking the head so that it was longer, then folding down to make the blast shield thing. We are in the month of Rogue One! I can`t wait! Also, SFs, if you are a Han Solo fan (I sure am!) I heard they are making a Han Solo movie! It should be coming out sometime in 2018. Cool! P.S. if the picture is blurry, or cut off, or simply just a bad photo, comment, “FIZZPOP!” and I`ll try to fix it.