Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Perfected Ventress

SuperFolder Fortunewookie2255

And last but not least, the 7th remade character was Ventress! Did you guess it? This might have been one of the toughest to nail well. As with Mace, I had to unfold my previous Ventress to re-learn the folding behind it, but after that I was able to make a couple prototypes before landing on a finished body design. Then… the tough part. Believe it or not, the face was the part take took me the longest! As with some other doodles of characters in the Origami Yoda books, Tom draws them differently throughout the series, making it hard to decide on what to draw for the face, body, etc. Generally, I tend to use the first time that the puppet/thing was drawn as the point of reference, as it would probably be the original design that he thought of, so that’s what I did here. I also tried to mimic the face of my previous Ventress, since I liked how the face turned out on it. After a few attempts and reworks, I landed on this finished model, and I think it looks pretty great! I hope ya’ll have enjoyed this little series that I’ve put together, and I hope that it’s given you some ideas as well!
P.S. The other 2 pictures are a side-by-side comparison of the old versions of the puppets to the new ones you have seen previously!