Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Paper Pod Racing League Comment Waffle-tastic to join

SuperFolder LukePage

Hey, guys, It’s me Jdubblestuff2 (I changed my account) I’m thinking about starting the P.R.L (Pod Racing Leauge) which is when you take your pencil but one finger on the end that isn’t the part that writes and you flick the bottom. The weekly map will come with duh, the weekly map that you race on six racer cards (which can give your racer special abilities) which will be new every week and a weekly tip on how to play. This will not be to play against people online but to play with people at your school/home/church

Note: the weekly thing will also come with instructions.

Note2: sorry this is so long but if you say waffle- tastic please keep up with me

Note3: also it may be more monthly not weekly