Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Origami Gardevoir and Gallade

SuperFolder paperhead

Some of the most popular Pokémon, Gardevoir and Gallade have finally been made in origami. Gardevoir looks more accurate because this is my second attempt at folding it, while Gallade is in beta mode, so he’s not the best. He’s awkward in the lower half area, he’s completely flat, his arms are too high up and his shoulder blades are too weird and stubby. Not bad, but needs improvement, and before you ask, NO, I will not provide instructions. #1. This is WAY too hard for most of you (if you think that the cover Yoda is hard, this will be a nightmare) #2. I don’t think any of you want to do a 32 X 32 box pleat (trust me, I don’t), and #3, in the far future, I will post a tutorial on YouTube for this. Look up Mrthenekids, and if you only find Mrthenekin, then in the recommended channels, and it will be the last one, so if you want instructions, subscribe to that channel (shameless plug).