Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

News for SF purpleyoda

SuperFolder Bruce110

Hey SF purpleyoda!

I read your story about The Curse of the Black Pool Noodle, and I love it!
Now, I also saw your request for Tom to put the story on Superfolder Central. As far as I know, Tom doesn’t put stories on Superfolder Central(I could be wrong though, but I don’t think he does).
HOWEVER. I happen to be a starting writer on Superfolder Central, and I also happen to be on Superfolder Central’s Discord server! Which means I can talk to other SF writers and the SFs that run the website! I told them about your stooktacular story, and they said they would add it to Superfolder Central ASAP(As Soon As Possible)!

I loved your story, I’m looking forward to reading the next part of the series!

May the Folds be with you!