Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

My own mini rebellion well sorta

SuperFolder Sfbatfold

Okay so at my school we have this thing called AR it’s a thing where we have to read books your probably like
“What? I LOVEEE reading what’s wrong with that?” Well you have a assigned level of books (it’s assagined by a test) and you can’t read off that level and if you don’t meet your goal? All the people who met it get rewarded while those who didn’t are left to read in a room kinda sad…

I’m not asking for you to join I’m just telling you I’ve formed the council of the Orig-lympians like the olympians from Greek mythology. Now I got the idea of origlympians (and I guess kinda copied…) from the ROU ran by SF hades on SFC btw please join SFC we don’t bite
But like hades said that is a metaphor we do bite when we get nervous

Oh and here’s a newer creation
It’s Daniel la pleatfold

I stink at making puns
(Sighs) gosh I’ve taken up lots of room