Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

My Origami Rebellion plus Jabba

SuperFolder OrigamiMe

Here they are! I know Luke and Foldy-Wan’s faces aren’t very good, and yes, Mara Jade and Kit Fisto ARE kirigami. Also, the Ewok photo isn’t very good. Post a comment if you want instrux for a certain character, and I will post them if I get five positive comments for that character (each from a different SuperFolder). The instrux for Yoda, Darth Paper (With a drawn-on, cut out piece of paper taped under his mask), Han Foldo and C-3PO (who share the same instrux), Jabba, and the Ewok are from the books. I got R2’s instrux from the old site, and they can easily be accessed there. If you can’t find them, search ‘origami r2d2 instructions’ on Google. The first three pictures in the ‘Images’ section contain the instrux, but they are out of order. Thanks for looking at this post!