Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Miles Morales March Madness

SuperFolder Bruce110

After the celebration ended, and Miles Morales and Embo shook hands with the winner(Congrats DarthZachB! You did amazing!), the two of them decided something: They should host their own tournament….

Welcome to Miles Morales’s March Madness!
Much like Maul’s March Madness, it is a random origami tournament! And the winner gets their origami on every page of my blog for a year! Pretty cool, right?
Here’s the rules: You can enter up to two different folds. They DO NOT have to be Star Wars characters! And here’s how to enter!

1. Join my SuperFolder Discord Server here: https://discord.gg/GzVEhtqdAw
OR post them on here with the title MMMM Submission (name of your character)

2. Send me your entries once you’re there! You can DM me them( My tag is Twenty5Origami#9058) or if you’re not comfortable with that, send them in the server!

3. And finally, I’ll do the rest! Setting up the bracket randomly, and the rounds, all of it!

Super simple! So, the deadline is April 6th, be sure to send me your entries by then!

May the Folds be with you all!