Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Limited time event for battlefront 2

SuperFolder smartypants

I like to share information on this site, not much origami. I still like it, but I don’t do it a lot. Anyway, battlefront 2 is having a limited time event+ update that comes sometime between May 13-19. It doesn’t only last 6 days, it just starts in that time. It celebrates the solo movie coming out. There’s going to be a limited time multiplayer mode which is a tweaked version of heroes vs villains. It’s 2v2 and you’re in pairs, like Han Solo+Chewbacca vs boba + bossk.it adds offline starfighters ( which should have been there since the beginning) and the final update I will share with you is the Lando Calrissian appearance as a spy in jabba’s palace and Leia appearance as that bounty hunter Boush (I don’t think I spelled that right).