Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Im Back Guys

SuperFolder 0_Yoda

Hey everybody! I have not been as active as I want to have been. For those who do not know me, I am one of the original SFs. You may not also know that I created a site called goodmorningsfs.wordpress.com that interviewed you guys, like Good Morning America for SFs. I have realized that I am not able to use the site to its full potential, so I am stepping down as owner of Good Morning SFs, and handing it over to another SF (or Tom if he wants it). Go check out goodmorningsfs.wordpress.com to try and grab it. I will lead the new owner through what they need to do and how to do it, so no worries there.
This has been 0_Yoda (a.k.a. origamiyodas)