Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

I-Ready Rebellion

SuperFolder PaperYodaIsReal2021

I heard about the I-Ready Rebellion, but I can’t join because my class already defeated it (kinda)! Woo Woo! Last year, my class used Aleks (a math website) but then this year they replaced it with I-Ready! I was like, “Pikpok Pete!!!!!!!!” because Aleks isn’t the best thing in the world, but it doesn’t nosssssssstrul like I-Ready. Anyway, in November or something my classmate’s mom got him his own Aleks account because he loved it so much, so my teacher tried to find out how she could get everyone Aleks accounts again and….. the older kids (who got Aleks accounts for some reason) had 20 extra Aleks accounts! So my teacher talked it over with the school principal, and they took away I-Ready for our class! So now, my class is having fun doing Aleks while the other classes sit painfully doing I-Ready. So that’s how my class defeated I-Ready (kinda)!