SuperFolder odeyoda
I show you how to fold r2 on the cover out of a square and rechtangle.
To fold out of a square:
1. fold up a little to less then you thing
2. make a pleat, first fold over half then complete pleate
3.fold top corner down
4 fold bottom up then unfold
5. make a fold kind of like a squash fold but not really
6.fold sides of legs in to make them skinnier.
To make out of a rechtangle:
1Fold up a little more then you thing would be right
2flip over
3fold top corners down
4 here is the tweek: fold sides almost to the middle but not all the way.
5complete pleat fold
6weird squashfold
7 fold corners of the sides down a little
8 fold top corner down
( If you had trouble with this or you thing I made it bad please tell me how to make it better and I will try make a new r2 instrux if I get more than 10 advices)