Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Hi there

SuperFolder Stingray

So, I haven’t been able to make YouTube videos lately because my internet’s been out. I’m posting this with a hotspot, but I don’t know if it will work for filming a video because my service is SO. SLOW. With the hotspot. That’s why I’ve kinda disappeared off the face of the Earth.

Also, props to SF leia_skyfolder for their origami Ahsoka– I never thought of making Ahsoka that way, but I’ll have to try it!!

If you’re still here…….. I thought I’d give you the links to my Bo-Katan themed video games on Scratch:

Quest for Gideon: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/469855950
Bo-Katan: A Star Wars Platformer: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/468168937

The image is just my Scratch pfp because all my origami is on a USB which is currently lost 🙁 …. Oh well, it’ll turn up somewhere.

Why are you still here?

Hopefully, my internet will be back by the time this gets up on the site. If not, then it’s DARK SIDE TIME!!!!!!!!!! >:(