Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Help me Foldy-Wan Kenobi youre my only hope

SuperFolder Stingray

A long time ago, (in a galaxy far, far, away,) I folded Obi-Wan. Not just any Obi-Wan, a book-accurate Obi-Wan. I went through the Jabba the Puppett and Princess Labelmaker books and used any Foldy-Wan doodle I could find as reference. This fold took a lot of trial and error – not to mention I didn’t have a marker that was the right color for his hair! But, I finished it, and was really proud of it… until I lost the puppet. It mega-nostruls. Here is an old picture I took, as well as some really bad instructions I drew. Foldy-Wan takes a tiny bit of cutting, but someone could probably figure out another way to do it that doesn’t require that.
(DISCLAIMER: these instructions were drawn almost a year ago! They’re super bad! Follow at your own risk.)