SuperFolder SF_PrincessElla
Hey guys!
So Tom and all you guys: Waffle-tastic, huh? I’m guessing Tom remembers this made-up word by meeee.
Just wanted to say that I’m really happy this word that I came up with once (brainstorming in a journal, including phrases like “Awesome with a side of kitty pajamas” or something) got featured on Tom’s site. It’s a big honor and I’m glad I could be a part of this Superfolding world!!
*Oh yeah, and if you don’t think I came up with the word Waffle-tastic (or really Willy Waffltastic originally) look on my site and you’ll see. heheh*
Love y’all shmooshies! Cyaaaaaaaa later.
Enjoy pondering the beautiful phrase Willy Waffltastic. <3