Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Ghostbusters origami

SuperFolder eggman

Hello, fellow superfolders.

I wanted to show you some Ghostbusters origami characters I made, and under that are two library ghost prototypes that were not decorated as well as they could have been.

I will post instructions for 10 comments each. If you guys leave the following comments, you’ll get instructions as explained below:

10 “Stookys” = Instructions for the Marshmallow Man
10 “Fizzpops” = Slimer instructions
10 “Epics” = The dogs
10 “Waffle-tastic” = Library ghost (both models)
10 “Instructions please” = Zombie driver

I will post Ghostbusters and Ecto-1 instructions automatically because they are such iconic parts of the movie.

I will post all of the instructions eventually. For example, whichever one gets ten first will get its instructions first, and the next one to get ten of its comments will get posted to and so on…

P.S. Tom, I suggest a Ghostbusters showcase!