Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Folds of 2019ish

SuperFolder CaptainIvanAlobaymar

For my first post, I would like to share my collection of folds I make. Every year, I make as many folds, then rip them apart. I know I shouldn’t so this year I will take pictures of my folds. Admiral Ackbar and Jar Jar Binks (sorry prequel haters) managed to survive execute order riptysix somehow so I added them to the collection.

This photo includes 4 Magna Guards, 8 Battle droids, Three member cantina band (2 are missing and I am too lazy to fold them again) 2 Yodas (one custom, another a mini from a wrapper for bubble gum) Mace Windu, Obi-wan Kenobi, The Death Star, Clone trooper’s helmet (not a finger puppet but it looks nice!), Jar Jar Binks, Admiral Ackbar, Bossk and finally me as a storm trooper (I am screaming because I am not ready to serve the empire).

Hope you all enjoy, and may the force be with you!