Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda


SuperFolder MandalorianFolder

Remember how Finn was part of the raid on Jakku, and he got a hand print on his gear? I know how to make a version of that as a finger puppet! Since I am unable to submit a picture, Here is how to do it. MOST OF THE CREDIT GOES TO TOM!!! First, Fold a fast Han Foldo. (He’s really easy. Instrux in secret of the fortune wookie.) But dont add on the vest or anything. Just make the body. Then decorate it like Finn(make sure you decorate the torso like a first order stormtrooper!!!). Then fold a stormtrooper helmet(instrux in Art2D2 book). Decorate like Finn’s helmet. Dont forget the blood hand print! Place that on Finn. There you go! You have your very own Stormtrooper Finn(or as I like to call it, a FINNTROOPER!!!)