Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Daily Ewok 93

SuperFolder SFJishua

Blumfruits are small, red berries that grow on bushes in the forests of Endor. They are the favorite fruit of most ewoks, all except Vance. Vance has a bit different taste for fruit. He doesn’t enjoy blumfruits the most, his favorite is bananas. He found a big sack of them lying in the woods, tried one, and fell in love. Ever since then, Vance has never been far from the banana bag. Every so often he takes one of the tasty yellow fruits out and eats it, peel and all. As much as Vance likes gobbling up the bananas, he forces himself to eat them sparingly. He only found the one sack, and once it’s gone, no more bananas, probably forever. Vance knows that day will come, but tries his hardest to push it back as much as possible. He wants to prolong this banana-eating period more than anything in the world. It’s bittersweet. When Vance swallows down another banana, he feels the happiness that comes from the taste, but the sadness that comes from knowing that it’s one lmore banana that he can never get back. When the bananas are all gone, Vance will definitely miss them, but he’ll still be glad to have tried them. He’d rather try them, and never get to eat them again than never try them at all. This whole mess is kind of bananas!