Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Daily Ewok 61 actually

SuperFolder SFJishua

[Quick note: Yesterday, I may have accidentally titled Daily Ewok #60 with today’s title, #61. Sorry about that!] Anyways, this here is Richard, and he loves to whistle. He was born with the mouth of a true whistler, and ever since he was a wokling, he’s been practicing and improving his whistle. Richard can whistle for hours on end, and he’s learned how to take quick, big breaths so he can wistle for even longer. Some of his favorite tunes to whistle are bird calls (see Daily Ewok #12), ewok tribal songs, and of course, the Star Wars theme. Richard loves to put on whistling shows for his fellow ewoks, where he takes requests from the audience. Of course, when Richard is finished, he needs to drink lots of water, so he can wet his WHISTLE!