Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Daily Ewok 59

SuperFolder SFJishua

There’s no hiding the fact that Arnold here is a nerd. Today’s ewok is very smart, but dresses and acts kind of awkwardly. He’s much more interested in the history of Endor (or the galaxy for that matter) than learning how to hunt for food or build things. Albert spends a lot of his time playing video games with his best friend Marco (see Special Edition Ewok #1), and discussing scientific theories with him about the game characters. One thing that Albert does not do is hide his nerdy personality. He shows it off, loud and proud. In Albert’s mind, he sees no reason why everyone shouldn’t see his true self. He’d rather be a little embarrassed sometimes than try to show a fake personality, or no emotion at all (see Daily Ewok #30). Comment with a “Waffle-tastic!” if like Albert, you’re a nerd and you’re proud of it!