Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda


SuperFolder Mrbananies

Dear Tom,

I LOVE YOUR BOOKS. There totally original and stooky in every way possible.

I’m sorry I sent you this message in the submit origami page but I wanted to do this before I forgot.

One night when I was reading Princes Label Maker
I felt sooooooooo bad for Murky when kids made fun of him in his pink T-shirt. It sorta reminded me of bullies at my school who called me gay because I like colorful clothing. Your book inspired me to stand up to those nostrul’s.
With the help of some friends they stop making fun of me.

People still bully at my school and it makes me feel like Mike. I just want to cry, Mad tears ,VERY MAD TEARS. If only you where here.
If only Yoda was here to give wisdom of how to solve the problem

If you came here you could tell every one about stop bullying and you check out all the origami stuff. How about it

My school is YokosukaMiddleSchool
at Yokosuka naval base
If you need to email me my email is

Please come,
Steven Sayers