Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Baby Yodas Life Advice

SuperFolder Christopher_Lee

Dear Tom,
My name is Christopher. I would like to humbly submit my service to you. 10 years ago, I read “The Strange Case of Origami Yoda.” I have since graduated from college after studying Psychology and Forensic Science and have become an author myself. Since, 2020, specifically March 1st, is the 10-year anniversary of your book, would you be interested in co-authoring a book called, “Baby Yoda’s Life Advice.” Essentially, your cast of characters, Dwight and his friends can be entering or be in the early stages of their college careers. At this point in their life, they are learning who they all are as individuals. Dwight, thinking about what to do with his life, folds a Baby Yoda…Either way, there are a lot more ideas that I have that I would love to have the honor of getting to write with you. I would prefer to use the pen name, “Christopher Lee” as Lee is my Mother’s maiden name and “Christopher Lee” is Count Dooku! Please tell me what you think of this idea. I believe that we can have the manuscript ready for publication before 2020 is over! I am excited about the idea and I hope that I get to work with you soon.
Your Superfolding Friend,


Tom replies: that’s a fantastic idea, Christopher! I’m so happy you remember OY after all this time.

You could certainly write it for fun, but I’m afraid there can be no more official OY books. 😥

Congratulations on the degree, by the way! I know that is a lot of hard work!!