Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

An old haul

SuperFolder Boba55555

So I did all of these back in 2019. And since I haven’t posted in a loooong time, I thought I’d show you all some things I was going to post back then. 🙂
(Also sorry about the photos. I was on my computer so I used it’s camera. Also say hi to Jacob the Stormtrooper in the background.)
Ok so the first one appears to be Soundwave from Transformers. The other one is Bumblebee. The next two appear to be the pink and silver Power Rangers. The next one is a skull I think. The next one is Steve from Minecraft. This next guy is just neon. Part of this guy’s head got bitten of by a shark. Now this one is the silver Mandalorian. This one is a blue Darth Paper with a green crayon? This one is Cyborg Yoda. And last but not least, Digigami Yoda.
I hope ya’ll liked it and if we get 10 stookies, I’ll try to fold a brand new design. Until next time, bye.