SuperFolder ThatsNoMoon
I just wanted to take the time to thank a very good superfolder. I dont know his OY username, but I know his youtube name. Thank you MasterMax45 for posting on youtube my instrux and using them. It means a lot to me. I thought that no one was going to use them so I thank you once again for not only loving my instrux so much as to waste valuable paper and ink, but also sharing that love to the world.
i would love it if you could comment STOOKY! when you see this just so i know who you are on OY and to everyone else, whtever you do DON’T COMMENT STOOKY!
this is ThatsNoMoon thanking the anonomous user of my instrux for darth revan and until next time:
“The force will be with you, allways”
-Obi-Wan Kenobi