Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Search Results: clone

clone trooper

SuperFolder foldywan18 order 66


SuperFolder clone_folder_10 This is why I am clone_folder_10

Clone Trooper with helmet that comes off

SuperFolder OrigamifanTom12 I didn’t make this my friend ,seth , did i’m like an origami master andme and this girl helped seth with the body and I added a funny picture for fun.

clone commander bly instructions

SuperFolder CaptainTRex these instructions are my first post. they give instructions for the original design of him and the clone wars design. to make the original design, follow the instructions with a yellow sheet of origami paper and make the design according to the drawing with original under it.

clonesforce awakens

SuperFolder generalskywalkr10 Pick stooky if you like it epic if not

Origami from the clone wars

SuperFolder Shadow_trooper I made an origami Savage Opress,darth Maul and 2 mandalorians! Stooky! I might post instructions for the mandalorians.

Attack Of The Clones

SuperFolder Art2Beep2 Hey Super Folders it’s Art2Beep2 this is my origami clone lineup!


SuperFolder bountyfolderfett You don’t have to use tape

My origami clone army

SuperFolder Shadow_trooper Left to right: clone trooper,commander,captain,sergeant,pilot, Rex,Gree,senate comando captain,senate comando, Wolfpack trooper, Gunner,ARC trooper,phase II clone,501st clone, 501st pilot, 212th clone,Neyo,41st elite corps trooper, Shock trooper.stooky!