Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

New Baby Yoda WITH Pod — Video Instrux

I thought about saving these for May The Fourth… but you probably need something to do TODAY!

Hey, I now everybody aks this, but please hit LIKE after you watch it!

You could even go crazy and subscribe to my channel!

Speaking of which….

I have posted a lot of new stuff lately. Almost 20 videos in the last two weeks!

It can be hard to keep track of it all. There are new videos for:

Folding Luke, R2&C3p0, Porgs and anything puppets. (And old videos for BB8, Rey, Kylo, Cantina band, Hera, Yoda, Darth, Chewie….)

Drawing unicorns, dogs, dragons, dinosaurs, block letters.

 Talking like YODA

Asking me questions and challenging me to draw a megadoodle.

AND you may bnot have noticed my DEEP DIVE answer into the question: Where did the idea for OY come from.

All that’s on my YouTube Channel.

What else is on my YouTube Channel? All kinds of crazy stuff… like this: