Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

How to be a good Dungeon Master!

SFs! I got this message from OriDude11:

I am a DnD Dm and I have no idea what to do! Helpp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is a LOT of exclamation points, so I knew I needed to get OriDude a good answer! And there might be more of you that would like to become Dungeon Masters.

Luckily, one of my best friends in the world knows a lot about this subject! It’s Tony DiTerlizzi — a genuine official D&D and Magic The Gathering artist! That’s his art up top and some of his classic D&D rulebook monsters below…

He’s also the illustrator and co-author of the SPIDERWICK books! And his books WONDLA have recently been made into a series on APPLE TV.

Most importantly for us today… Tony is also a long-time D&D player AND Dungeon Master! Here’s his advice:

—>>> “RUN A MODULE!” Don’t feel like you have to create your own adventure from scratch, especially when you’re just getting started. Find a small-sized adventure like THIS FREE ONE on DriveThruRPG. (Or try the one featured in the video below.

—>>> Before meeting up with your players, read the module by yourself like a story. Then read it again.

—>>>”Write stuff all over the map.” Make a copy of the module’s map and write all over it. For example, if the module says there are orcs in Room 11, write that on the map. Then, if your party makes a lot of noise in Room 10… you’ll know they are asking for BIG trouble by just glancing at the map!

“Be open and ready for them to go off script,” says Tony. “That’s when the real fun happens.”

For example, you might want your players to cross OVER a bridge. But they may want to see what’s UNDER it. Don’t tell them “no that’s a dumb idea!” Let them try it! As the DM you get to decide what they find: A troll? A squid? A disgusting smell that makes them run back to the bridge?

—->>> Something I (Tom, not Tony) suggest is that if your players are getting a little tired of fighting, give them a chance to win a battle creatively instead of rolling dice. Maybe they find a hidden lever that drops a cage over a monster or maybe they can sneak past some sleeping wolves if they sing a lullaby…. whatever them come up, let them give it a try!

—->>>For more advice, Tony suggests you watch this video series. It actually DOES show you how to create an adventure from scratch, but you can also download the adventure he makes and use that one if you want.

Alright… have fun and try not to damage your adventurers TOO much! You want them to play again!