Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Blast from the Past! 10 Year Old Pokegami from SF Gandalf!

As we near completion of the Pokedex… let’s take a moment to thank all the SFs who made Pokemon BEFORE we started this project!

WAY WAY WAY back in 2014 … Emperor Pickletine wasn’t even out yet! … SF Gandalf showed us these awesome Pokemon folds… complete with punny names! You have to admit: PLEATACHU is a stooky name!!

“From left to right, Big Pleatachu, Mewtwogami, Foldmander, Ashigami, Pleatachu, Mewtwogami’s Head, Ditto, Mewgami, Scythergami and Gyarafolds.”

Now back to work! Keep those Pokemon coming!!!