Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

POKEDEX UPDATE — 57 of 155!

Wow, we’re making incredible progress! Nearing that halfway point!

If someone will make Caterpie and Weedle, we’ll have the first 15 which would be nice. Of course, I’m happy with whichever Pokemon you decide to make, even if it’s one we already have. It’s fun seeing how different SFs make the same Pokemon!

We got a big boost when JAYCE411 sent in 6 Pokemon at once! (That’s them up top, #29 – #34!)

Sam has mostly found all the missing Pokemon that escaped when he accidentally left the Pokedex door open. (Actually, he made some kind of website mistake that erased some.) If you haven’t checked to make sure yours are still in the Pokedex, please do!