SFs!!! I hope you all enjoyed MMM and are looking forward to May the 4th!
Some absolutely amazing posts on Stookiness recently! The OY Cast Collection by StookySuperGuy, as seen above, was particularly impressive!!!!
POKEMON – Folding Them All update: Our summer project is going to be teaming up to fold the entire Pokedex. We’ll start with the original characters, but who knows how far we might get.
We’re off to a great start already! MaraOmega just posted two new ones a few days ago!
I’ll be making a sign-up sheet so all SFs can sign up for the ones they want to fold or have already folded. It should be spectacular!!!
Alright… one with your questions!
SuperFolder DarthZackB
Which Super Bowl LVIII movie trailer was your favorite? Mine was “Deadpool & Wolverine”. I also watched the trailer for “Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes”. Another movie coming this Thanksgiving break is “Moana 2”. Check the list for more Super Bowl LVIII movie trailers.
I don’t think it aired during the SuperBowl, but the trailer that has all the McQuarrie kids talking is this one:
SuperFolder neotrinity
I read your books way back when I was younger (10 or 11 I think). They were a huge part of my childhood and one of my favorite book series when I was younger. In fact, one of my favorite childhood memories was reading the books aloud to my younger brother. I (funnily enough) had a dream about them last night and when I woke up I searched up your website, and I found out you were still updating it! So I just wanted to say thank you for making mine and so many other’s childhoods better.
WOW!!! Thank you so much! I am so glad you and your brother liked the books! And ir was tooky of you to read aloud to him! may the Force be with you!!
SuperFolder Stookyboy1116
Dear Mr. Angleberger
I have some questions for your next T.T.T. and I would really enjoy your answers
1. In Emperor Pickletine rides the bus, Dwight says he has only 1 more fruit roll up, however, at Wendy’s, he shows Harvey a Frutgami Yoda to say “Twist you must”. Sooooo What the Fett?
TOM SAYS: The FRUITS was with him!
2. I am 100 percent positive that a new OY book is coming due to the fact that at the end of Pickltine, Force ghost Yoda says The end, this is not Hrmmmm? Can we have a concept idea or release date or a spin off pls. It’s been 5 years now sense you last told us. If yes, could you include me as a character like you did Ben? In Pickletine, Dwight and Kellen say their making a new How-2 case file. Will we get on?
TOM SAYS: Alas… it is not very likely. If I could have made another book, I would have. In fact, I tried for another casefile book AND another how-to book. But … authors do not always get to make the books they want.
3.How can I get a signed book? I’m moving to Virginia in 2 years and can’t wait to try and meet you.
TOM SAYS: I do more events in Virginia than anywhere else. Hopefully I’ll meet you at one. In the meantime, you can always order a signed book using the link on the right-side menu.
4. 1 word: Auto-Biography!!!!!!!
TOM SAYS: Three words: I’M TOO BORING!
5. My final question is… Is Dwight bases off you? and Caroline Cece Bell? I want a straight answer (Not Yardstick! I know it’s straight)
Can’t wait to hear back! Stay Stooky!!!!!
TOM SAYS: Yes and yes!
SuperFolder oridude11
Hello yes another talk to Tom about… video games!
🎮 I wanted to know if you play club penguin 🐧🐧!
TOM SAYS: No, I’ve never played Club Penguin, but I had a friend who was WILD about it. My current video game is a D&D type game called “Slice and Dice.” My favorite game of all time may be Final Fantasy Tactics, although MarioKart is maybe the most fun to just pick up and play.
SuperFolder oridude11
Hi Tom I wanted to say thank you you have done a lot for me first you specially signed a book for me then you hung my origami In a book store then you went through a lot to get my account sorted so thank you a lot
TOM SAYS: You’re Welcome!! I’m glad Sam got your account sorted out!! We are so glad you’re a Superfolder now!
SuperFolder CreaseAdiMundi
Tom, what is your opinion on fan fiction about origami Yoda or other books of yours? I’m curious to see because some authors don’t like it, but for some it’s really intriguing.
Since I am unable to continue the story… see above… I LOVE it when SuperFolders write/draw/fold it themselves!!!