The people have spoken! There shall be Maul’s March Madness this year!
Every year, you the SuperFolders, submit origami characters who battle it out bracket style until only one remains! Last year was… real madness! I mean, really, it was WEIRD! So weird, I thought maybe you SFS would be ready to dump MMM. But, like Maul himself… MMM is hard to stop!
So now… TWO-TIME winner Judy Hopps will be looking for a three-peat!!! Surely, the odds are against it??? Well, you know what Judy says: “Never tell me the odds!”
So, who’s it going to be this year? Maybe you!
Each SF can SUBMIT up to TWO entries! That means zero, one or two. Do NOT submit THREE!
SUBMIT each entry separately, putting YOUR SF NAME, the character’s NAME and “MMM” in the title. EXAMPLE: “WebMasterSam’s ORIGAMI BARBIE for MMM”
PLEASE! Take your time and make a nice entry and get a good, clear photo on a simple, white background.