Hey SFs! The TALK TO TOM questions have been rolling in, so here’s FOUR more answered.
But first, let me explain the image above. I’m a huge fan of Pee Wee Herman and Pee Wee’s Playhouse. I made an ornament of his puppet, Billy Baloney, which a puppet Pee-Wee is hanging on the tree! Here’s the pattern if you want to make your own out of Legos, perler beads, yarn, fruit loops or whatever!
If you’ve never seen Pee Wee, why not start RIGHT NOW!
SuperFolder Origami_Master53
First of all, I would like to apologize for never posting (I still look at the site from time to time!)
secondly, I sadly have not made any progress on the Lego OY stop motion besides getting Lego figures made (I have been busy with school and stuff.)
Thirdly (Is that a real word), Have you ever watched the show Smallville? It is based off of Superman growing up in Smallville Kansas. It is an AMAZING show that I love! If you haven’t I would recommend it.
First: NO NEED TO APLOGIZE! Creativity often comes in bursts. I don’t have something new to post on the site ever day or even every week either!
Second: Stop-motion is a BIG time commitment! But I’m excited to see what you make some day!
Three: No, I’ve never seen Smallville. Thanks for the recommendation!
SuperFolder Chrisoragamifan
Tom, did you base some of the people from Origami Yoda off of real people. Like Tommy off of you maybe Sara off of Cece? P.S My real name is Chris I’m not saying Chris Alexander. Also do you like my Kawahata Yoda? First try it is hmmmm.
ANSWERS: First, I’m VERY impressed by your Kawahata Yoda! That is a HARD fold!!!
Second: Caroline if based on Cece. The broken pencil story is real! And many of the other characters are based partly on real people. As for me, I’m either Dwight …. or Harvey. Of course, I’d RATHER be Dwight, but I was quite a smart aleck when I was a kid. The hummingbird hawkmoth story is from real life and in the real version: I was the Harvey who kept saying he’d never catch it. And in real life: Yes, he caught it!
SuperFolder oridude11
Hi Tom I would like to know what is your favourite book in the OY series(ps heres my guinea pigs)
ANSWER: I love your Guinea pigs! I wish I could meet them! I used to have a guinea pig named Teddy after Teddy Roosevelt.
As for my favorite book, that is tough!!! I put so many things that matter to me in each one. I’ve always thought the big finish in Pickletine was pretty good, but not everybody read that far.
SuperFolder CreaseAdiMundi
So, Tom said the odds were bad of OY book 8 happening. (“Never tell me the odds!”) It’s actually been around for years! Well, actually it would be a case file of the kids origami, and have instructions, right? Well, this website is pretty much that, and each post is a case file chapter from a different person? Tom, what is your opinion on this website being the unofficial 8th book?
ANSWER: I LOVE IT!!! All of the books (except the first one) were made with help from the SuperFolders, just like this website! So let’s call this book 8! And it’s free!!!