Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

SUMMER OF SOMETHING 2023 — BADGE #1 – Origami On Location

SFs!!! Welcome to the 3rd Summer of Something!

Don’t do nothing… do something!!!

I’ll post challenges all summer long. Complete as many as you want to earn Something badges. They’re not much but they’re… better than nothing!

Once again, the Summer of Something is sponsored by…. THE TWO-HEADED CHICKEN!




The challenge take your origami — either a new fold or an old one — to a great place for a photo.

Going somewhere on vacation? Pick something that fits: take Aquaman to the beach, King Kong to NYC, etc…

Staying closer to home? How about an Ewok in the woods? A creepy clown near a storm drain? An origami dog in a doghouse. You get the idea!

The photo up top was taken by SF SeanTheAuthor. It’s so good it inspired this whole challenge! Can you come up with one that good? (PS Nightmare on Elm Street is a really scary and gross movie!!! I am not suggesting you watch it!)

HOW TO SUBMIT: There are no strict rules and NO DEADLINE. You can even do more than one. When you’ve got it, just submit it to SAM the normal way, but put SOS 2023 in the title!