Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

MMM – Sweet Sith-Teen Bracket — BREAKING NEWS, too

Here’s a blast from the past: FortuneWookiee2255’s very first post was this Emperor Pickletine! (And a Darth Paper who didn’t fit.)

BREAKING NEWS: The Sweet SITH-TEEN will have 18 competitors!

There has been some concern about the Out of Order Poster and the Gorillaz Album knocking actual origami out of the brackets.

I’m not going to kick them out, but I have decided to give a second chance to the two players they defeated — Yarel Poof by SuperStookyness12 and Power Ranger by Origami Mario. (Panda already got a second chance.)

So we have 18 instead of 16. How will the bracket work??? Well… it’s complicated but it should work out. STAY TUNED!