Hey SFs!!! Don’t worry if you haven’t finished your pop-up yet, remember there’s no real time limit. You can level up anytime. But if you can get it done by Tuesday, you can be in the follow up to this showcase. [Downloadable merit badge will be availble then, too.]
Alright, let’s see what the speediest SuperFolders have done to become the first Pop-Up Padawans! MOST IMPRESSIVE!!
Up top we have amaxing Sarlacc Pit by SuperFolder SFConnorLeary !
SuperFolder Brickmadboy
So i tried the mandolorian may the 4th video.
It took me about 20 minutes it was quite fun.
For my school project i did decide to do it on origami yoda and i watched toms video on where he got the inspiratfor origami yoda(a love story) and learnt quite a bit sadly wikipedia didnt have an article on MR kawahata

SuperFolder origamiahsoka123
I love pop art it is so cool I made a house oh and sorry I have not been on for a while something closed down the website so yeah see ya!

SuperFolder DarthZackB
I did a pop-up card of a rainbow.